Monday, March 01, 2010

After sooo Long...

Good day ppl : D

It's been almost 2 weeks after my sch ended.
Had my chinese new year,had fren's bdae celebration,yr end bbq, India IAEP training...

Hmm,1 and a half week more to INDIA trip and I'm still aimless.DOTA the whole of afternoon for today.Luckily there's gyming with Jidi tml : D
Thx to Priscillia for the past few days,if not i'll be super bored.Like really bored.All i did was eat,sleep,play game listen to music fold clothes n go church.
What am I doin?????

Must plan for more fishing activites; P
Mat!!!!!!! Why SGP have so little fishing spot(place that get good fishes and not small little irritating fishes.)

nxt Thai Express coming,but i'm kinda broke leh;(
Sian sianz sianx.....


Alrites shall blog up till here bah.


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