Sunday, May 05, 2013

Things Happened ... As Expected ...

The Fourth lesson came in late march. I post it now because i have gotten over with it. Things really came as expected.I thank God that he paved a path with angels guiding me through this rough month i had. If i didnt know God,I would not be so comfort so stable. Fourth Lesson is,a person who is Very Close to you might not be the one for you. Maybe God says wait, maybe God wants me to know its a no go...which is why things happened... For good,at least what I worried most is over. I continue to focus with Lord and work.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

2 years.... Time flies and indeed had 3 lessons learned.... Number One - Always know a person well enough before moving on. Number Two - Religion / Stand are important things in life people look into Number Three - Most Overseas Relationship doesnt last. Maybe Number Four would come out anytime this year. Hope Not. Tired, But still fighting on. Hang In There.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bouyant for Now

Buoyancy will be gone soon....

There's a hole in the boat and I'm going into the deep blue sea soon.
I've to evolve into an amphibian/fish soon I guess if not I'll suffer alot alot..
Doing my best to hang in there because I'm more familiar on land than in the ocean.
I have to adapt to changes but will I eer forget the good old memories that I had?
They seems to stay in my heart and they are being carved onto my body...

The bouyancy...

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Icing My Brain Not To Think Too Much

After sometime of resting..

Acids in the brain is burning me up,Can hardly think properly.Everyone has a problem to face,yet to me it's difficult to the rest or others its easy...Seems to be bluffed by someone i trusted the most.Is the person trying to make me give up or just want to to leave his/her world?

Where's the honesty? Aint you a straight forward person? Dont leave me dangling there having a question mark till the day i'm suppose to leave... You've know me,I can take the reasonings but not the waiting.

So plz dont let me wait.